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NVivo on site training

NVivo on site training
€125,00 exkl. MwSt.

We offer one hour of online training for every NVivo user. This is the ideal way for the novice user to quickly become familiar with NVivo. For the more advanced user this is the perfect opportunity to put the finishing touches or to just hit a level high Lesen Sie mehr..

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    Wir liefern fast alles

We offer one hour of online training for every NVivo user. This is the ideal way for the novice user to quickly become familiar with NVivo. For the more advanced user this is the perfect opportunity to put the finishing touches or to just hit a level higher.

Together with NVivo trainer Richard de Wit you determine in advance which topics will be discussed in the training.

In addition, we also offer on-site training that exactly matches your needs. In this NVivo course, you are the one who decides on:

location (at your place or at our training location)
number of participants

You discuss the above aspects together with Richard de Wit and your course can be scheduled. The costs depend on your wishes.

You can let us know your interest on 050-5791270 or email us at [email protected].

NVivo on site training

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